Corsair Voyager Air 2 Wireless Hard Drive Review


Voyager Air 2 Software and Interface

Since we last looked at the app for the Voyager Air, Corsair has drastically changed the appearance of the app that drives the Voyager Air. This app is updated for both the original Voyager Air and the Voyager Air 2, which is great to see that Corsair supporting what’s technically an older product.

Corsair has laid out everything in terms of videos, music files, documents, and general files, just to make life that much easier when searching for your content. You can also get a general folder overview if you know what directory your files are in already.

Uploading is a little goofy, but still easy enough. On my tablet, I had to navigate to the Folders section. While in here, there is a square with an arrow pointing up. You can then choose what you’d like to upload from here.

While I was on my cell phone, the interface hid the aforementioned button and instead hid it behind the 3 dots on the upper right, while under the Folders section. When you hit that, you will now see the Upload option.

Uploading from your computer is very simple, as you can go to http://voyagerair in your browser, or you can UNC into the drive via \\VoyagerAir. If you choose the browser method, you will follow the same steps as the app, since the web interface is exactly the same. UNC method is just like copying and pasting files on your computer.

Here’s what the web GUI looks like:

Corsair Voyager Air 2 Web GUI

The settings menu is full of a plethora of options. In here you can change the drive name, see the battery level (at a single digit change interval), download and update the firmware, enable wireless passthru mode, enable Dropbox and Google Drive options, DLNA options, and a few other misc items.

When I updated the firmware, I hit download, and it just sat there for about an hour saying it was downloading; no progress bar or anything. At that point, I just restarted the drive, and low and behold it was able to apply. I’m not sure why it didn’t tell me about this, but it’s always concerning when applying an update like this and you aren’t 100% certain if it is working.

Playing videos is made easy by just tapping the video you want to play, or you can long press and choose your video player of choice. Also with your long press, you’ll be given the option to download the content to your local device.

Voyager Air 2 App - Tablet 6That’s about all there is to the software for the Voyager Air 2. Let’s move on and see how this wireless hard drive performs in a series of tests.