Axentra HipServ 2.0/Marvell Sheeva Plug – $99 Plug Computing


Desktop Mirror

Besides being a web server and UPnP media server, the HipServ Plug also sports a slick backup software suite. For this you must install the appropriately named HipServDesktopApplication. Once the application is installed, fire it up, and it’ll search the network for a HipServ. Upon finding one it’ll ask you for login credentials and then let you setup a backup sequence. I’ve been doing daily backups of my review photo archive and it has been working like a charm.

HipServ Desktop Mirror

HipServ Desktop Mirror Setup

HipServ Desktop Mirror backup visible

These backups will, like all other data, be visible to those who have access to your HipServ. I found this to be especially useful while I was in Austin, Texas as I had forgotten some BIOS settings on a motherboard. I simply logged into my HipServ, downloaded the photos I needed, and was set to go. By tying the HipServ into the Internet, you will never be without your documents.

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