AMD Athlon 64 FX-51


More Benchmarks

Futuremark; PCMark2002:

PCMark is another benchmark from MadOnion which is a whole system benchmark. PCMark specifically stresses the CPU, memory subsystem, graphics subsystem, hard drives, WindowsXP GUI (if WinXP is used), video performance and more.

Sisoft; Sandra MAX3:

Sisoft Sandra MAX3 is designed to test the theoretical power of a complete system and individual components. The numbers taken though are, again, purely theoretical and may not represent real world performance. Higher numbers represent better performance.

FutureMark; Bapco SYSmark2002:

SYSmark2002 provides an application-based benchmark that accurately reflects usage patterns for business users in the areas of Internet Content Creation and Office Productivity.

Science Mark 2.0:

Science Mark 2.0 is an attempt to put the truth behind benchmarking. In an attempt to model real world demands and performance, ScienceMark 2.0 is a suite of high-performance benchmarks that realistically stress system performance without architectural bias. For the Memory Testing, higher numbers represent better performance. On the remaining tests, lower seconds represent better performance.


CINEBENCH 2003 is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D R8. The tool is set to deliver accurate benchmarks by testing not only a computer’s raw processing speed but also all other areas that affect system performance such as OpenGL, multithreading, multiprocessors and Intel’s new HT Technology. Again, higher Frames/Second and lower rendering time in seconds equal better performance.

SuperPi 1.1e:

SuperPI calculates the number Pi in this raw number crunching benchmark. The benchmark is fairly diverse and allows the user to change the number of digits of PI that can be calculated. In this benchmark we picked 2 and 4 million places.

Case Lab CFD Solver:

The benchmark testcase is the AGARD 445.6 aeroelastic test wing. The wing uses a NACA 65A004 airfoil section and has a panel aspect ratio of 1.65, taper ratio of 0.66, and a quarter-chord sweep angle of 45º. This AGARD wing was tested at the NASA Langley Research Center in the 16-foot Transonic Dynamics Tunnel and is a standard aeroelastic test case used for validation of unsteady, compressible CFD codes. The CFD grid used to model this problem consists of 67,435 nodes and 366,407 tetrahedral elements.

Thoughts: A huge drop in time was observed in Case Lab, Super Pi, Science Mark 2003, and SuperPi. This processor cut 39 seconds off the P4 3.2C’s best score in Case Lab CFD Solver benchmark! Although we can not figure out why when overclocked it ran slower in Case Lab CFD. We tried it many times with similar results so we kept the data. On SuperPi we saw the Athlon 64 FX-51 finish almost 30 seconds faster than the P4 3.2C processor! Now that really does show some processing power! We are not talking a few seconds here! So far AMD is looking impressive!

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