World Video Game Hall of Fame Adds Four New Titles


The World Video Game Hall of Fame has added in four new games this year and they are all interesting and important titles. One of them is a game from 1961 called Spacewar! that is widely considered to be the first video game. It rather reminds me of Asteroids. Spacewar! was never sold commercially.

The other games inducted in this round are John Madden Football, a game that started one of the most beloved sports game franchises out there. TombRaider was also inducted. That is certainly a game that got lots of fans into gaming and put Eidos on the map.

Final Fantasy VII was inducted as well. These games were chosen from a pool of nominees that included Asteroids, Call of Duty, Dance Dance Revolution, Half-Life, King’s Quest, Metroid, Minecraft, and Ms. Packman reports Gamespot.

I’d have liked to see Half-Life and King’s Quest inducted. I spent lots of time with both of those games back in the day. Half-Life was my favorite video game of all time, it had great gameplay and a very compelling story.