Visa Sunglasses Offer Cardless Payment Method With NFC Chip


Many find their mobile phones are sufficient enough to lessen the need for watches and navigation systems. Sunglasses may soon be capable to not only block the suns harmful ultraviolet rays, but may also be capable to end the need to carry a wallet. SXSW on Tuesday revealed a prototype sunglass pair which can make purchases. An NFC chip is placed in one lateral temple and syncs to a users Visa account. The future may soon provide an option to no longer have to swipe, insert a chip, or a pin number. The Visa sunglasses require users to tap the payment device to make a transaction. The process of making a payment requires users to take off their sunglasses to prevent accidental head injuries.

Visa Sunglasses

The Visa sunglass pilot program will present at the World Surf Leagues 2017 Quicksilver and Roxy Pro Gold Coast competition, which Visa happens to be sponsoring. The combination of making payments without the need of a wallet fits perfectly with a beach setting scenario. The idea fits well with not having to worry about losing a wallet or cell phone at the beach when a pair of sunglasses can take their place.

The Visa sunglasses presented at SXFW were only a prototype so they are not currently for sale. With teasing the idea at SXFW, CNBC sates Visa may interest potential sponsors and move forward to take their idea and make it real. SXFW is a great event to see if there is an interest for the product.