Study Claims Rocket Scientists And Brain Surgeons Aren’t Smarter After All


Many of us assume that you can tell how smart someone is by the occupation chosen. For instance, a common saying is “it’s not rocket science” or “it isn’t brain surgery.” On the other hand, many assume you need superior intelligence to perform rocket science or neurosurgery.

However, according to a new study turns out that aerospace engineers and neurosurgeons aren’t any smarter than the general population. The study looked at 329 aerospace engineers, 72 neurosurgeons, and 18,257 members of the general population.

The study found that aerospace engineers didn’t show any differences in intelligence compared to the general population. However, the study did find that neurosurgeons were able to solve problems faster than the general public.

Interestingly, the study found that neurosurgeons had a slower memory recall speed than the general public. In a nutshell, intelligence doesn’t correlate to the job you perform. Getting a complicated position in a field like aerospace engineering or neurosurgery certainly requires someone with brains, but most of it comes down to drive and study skills, it would seem.