Seagate unveils DAVE mobile HDD in Taiwan


Seagate’s global consumer hard disk drive (HDD) marketing manager Rob Pait, at a press conference in Taipei on March 6, debuted Seagate’s DAVE (digital audio-video experience) platform, a wireless mobile external HDD with storage capacities of 10-20GB.

The DAVE platform, by means of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, enables the wireless transfer of digital data, files, graphics, images and music between handsets or other types of mobile devices and the mobile HDD within a distance of up to 30 feet (9.1 meters), according to Pait. The mobile HDD has been adopted by Nokia and British telecom carrier Orange and Seagate will begin shipments next quarter with a retail price of about US$200, Pait indicated. Seagate is seeking adoption by other handset vendors or telecom carriers and may sell the mobile HDD under its own brand, Pait noted.

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