Samsung Galaxy S III 16GB Smartphone Review – AT&T 4G LTE


Samsung Galaxy S III CPU Benchmarks

Peacekeeper Benchmark

Peacekeeper is an online benchmark from Futuremark that realistically simulates the load placed on the browser by common JavaScript functions as used by popular, modern websites. For users who prioritize speed and performance, Peacekeeper helps answer the question of which browser or tablet is the best for them.

Peacekeeper Benchmark

We tested the Motorola Atrix, Motorola Droid Razr Maxx, Samsung Galaxy S II and Samsung Galaxy S III Smartphones. Last years smartphones were unable to compete with the newer models as the Motorola Atrix with Android 2.3.6 that was released in February 2011 was found to perform half as fast!

Quadrant Benchmark

Quadrant is a CPU, I/O and 3D graphics benchmark. The Standard Edition requires an Internet connection to compute benchmark results and is supported by ads, but that should be fine for most users. We used version v2.1.1 for benchmarking the tablets.

Quadrant Benchmark

Quadrant showed that the Samsung Galaxy S III did the best here on this test thanks to the Snapdragon S4 1.5GHz dual-core processor. The NVIDIA Tegra 1.0GHz dual-core processor was on the top of our charts in Q1 2011 and now it’s at the bottom. It’s amazing how much more powerful cell phones have gotten in just the past year!

Quadrant Benchmark

The LINPACK Benchmarks are a measure of a systems floating point computing power. Introduced by Jack Dongarra, they measure how fast a computer solves a dense N by N system of linear equations Ax = b, which is a common task in engineering. The solution is obtained by Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting, with 2/3*N3 + 2*N2 floating point operations. The result is reported in Millions of FLoating-point Operations Per Second (MFLOP/s, sometimes simply called FLOPS). This test is more a reflection of the state of the Android Dalvik Virtual Machine than of the floating point performance of the underlying processor. Software written for an Android device is written using Java code that the Dalvik VM interprets at run time. We used version 1.2.8 for benchmarking.

Quadrant Benchmark

The Samsung Galaxy S III ran great on LinPack v1.2.8 for Android and was easily able to beat other big name smartphones!

NenaMark Benchmark

NenaMark is a benchmark of OpenGL ES 2.0, using programmable shaders for graphical effects such as reflections, dynamic shadows, parametric surfaces, particles and different light models to push the GPU to its limits. It can be downloaded from the Android Market or We used NenaMark version 2.2 for benchmarking the tablets.

NenaMark Benchmark

When it comes to this popular OpenGL ES 2.0 it should be noted that the screen resolution of the device plays a roll in the performance results as screens with higher resolutions are rendering more pixels.

  • Samsung Galaxy S III – 720×1280
  • Samsung Galaxy S II – 480×800
  • Motorola Droid Razr MAXX – 540×960
  • Motorola Atrix – 540×960

As you can see, the Samsung Galaxy S III is much faster in this benchmark despite having far more pixels to render than the other three smartphones! Pretty impressive results and since this benchmark runs vsync, it can’t go over 60fps.

GL Benchmark v2.1

GLBenchmark 2.1.4 is an OpenGL ES 2.0 benchmark that we are using for the very first time since you can run it in offscreen mode, which means that you can test devices at the same resolution no matter what the screen size really is. The majority of the tests focus on graphic resources, measuring the quality and performance of the underlying OpenGL ES 2.x implementation. The benchmark, among other features, contains high-level 3D animations; low-level graphic measurements; a possibility to create personalized benchmarking suites by changing settings.

GL Benchmark v2.1

When it comes to this OpenGL ES 2.0 the winner is clear as the Samsung Galaxy S III proved itself to be more than 3.5x faster than the Motorola Atrix. It also was nearly twice as fast than the Motorola Droid Razr MAXX!

After performance benchmarking the Samsung Galaxy S III it is clear to us that this Smartphone is in a league of its own and the responsiveness and speed of it is unlike any other phone that we have ever used.

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