PUBG Bans Radar Hacker Exploiters


We don’t hear much news from the PUBG camp these days, but there are still lots of people playing the game. A new report has surfaced that PUBG Corp has banned a massive number of players who were using a radar hack to cheat.

The ban hit 30,000 accounts and was implemented via an updated Battleye software system. Among the tens of thousands of banned users also came bans of some high-profile pro players. The radar hack is a cheat that allows the cheater to see the location of all players on a map reports NDTV.

That ability to see where everyone is gives the player an advantage. The new anti-cheat measure came to the game with the Vikendi snow map update.

It’s no surprise that the crackdown on the radar hack has been made. Players have been complaining loudly for a while now about the hack. The hack used an external device via a VPN to hide and was thought to be very hard to crack down on.