NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2-Way SLI Surround Gaming Benchmarks


Metro 2033

Metro 2033

Metro 2033 is an action-oriented video game with a combination of
survival horror and first-person shooter elements. The game is based on
the novel Metro 2033 by Russian author Dmitry Glukhovsky. It was
developed by 4A Games in the Ukraine. The game is played from the perspective of a character named Artyom. The story takes place in post-apocalyptic Moscow,
mostly inside the metro station where the player’s character was
raised (he was born before the war, in an unharmed city), but
occasionally the player has to go above ground on certain missions and
scavenge for valuables.

Metro 2033 Settings

This is another extremely demanding game. Image quality settings were raised to Very High quality with 4x AA and 16x AF. We turned off PhysX, but turned on DOF (Depth of Field) for benchmarking.

Metro 2033

Benchmark Results: We saw a 32% performance increase thanks to SLI at 5760×1080 in Metro 2033.

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