Nintendo Switch Lite $200 Price Took Months of Negotiations


The Nintendo Switch Lite game console has a lot of gamers excited thanks to its hardware and low price. The Switch Lite will sell for $200, making it $100 cheaper than the regular Switch game console. To get the console to the $200 price point required significant work on Nintendo’s part.

Suppliers are reporting that Nintendo was aggressive in sourcing parts for the Switch Lite to get the console where it could be sold for $200. Negotiations for one key component of the console dragged on for months according to one supplier.

Nintendo is reportedly trying to get its costs on the Switch Lite lower still as it is pushing competition between Murata and TDK Corp. Both of those firms are battery suppliers. Word is that Nintendo had hoped to get the components cheap enough to sell the Switch Lite for under $200, but that goal was unreachable reports Digital Trends.

The Switch Lite is expected to have a strong holiday season. Many see the console as being better for those who want to play games on the go.