Nintendo Switch 64GB Game Cards Won’t Land in 2018


Developers arent happy with Nintendo right now as the gaming company just made an announcement that will force a delay of some games. Nintendo had planned to launch larger 64GB memory cards for games in the second half of 2018.

Nintendo has now warned that those 64GB game cards wont be available until 2019. For the development studios, this means that games that required larger amounts of storage will be unable to be sold on physical media.

The games could still be sold as a download, but gamers will need a big memory card of their own. As for why the 64GB game cards are delayed, Nintendo didnt get specific, it only stated that there were technical difficulties reports RTT News.

Switch game cards look like memory cards but are a proprietary design that Nintendo came up with just for the Switch. These cards are what you get in game software boxes when you purchase games in retail packages. Sales of Nintendo’s newest console have been very robust and so far, the console has sold over 10 million units.