Microsoft plans $3 suite for emerging markets


Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates on Thursday is expected to unveil a global initiative by Microsoft to bring computers and technology education resources to emerging countries during an appearance in Beijing. This is an interesting idea and I’m sure it will take off if done right, but it still has to compete with burnt $1 copies!

As part of the new plan, Microsoft will offer a $3 software package called the Student Innovation Suite, which includes Windows XP Starter Edition, Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007, Microsoft Math 3.0, Learning Essentials 2.0 for Microsoft Office and Windows Live Mail desktop. The suite will be available to select qualifying governments that are working to supply PCs directly to students to promote technology skills by the end of 2007. In 2008, Microsoft will extend its availability to all of the countries with economies defined as low- or middle-income by the The World Bank.

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