League of Legends Patch 10.12 Hits Line Servers


League of Legends fans can now get some new skins and other content courtesy of a new patch that brings the game to version 10.12, hitting the test servers. New Pool Party skins had been teased earlier this week, and they are now available on test servers. Game characters who have new summer skins include Taliyah, Heimerdinger, Jarvan IV, Orianna, and Syndra.

Along with the new skins for those characters, Nurse Akali, Kennen MD, and Surgeon Shen all have some updates in the patch. While new skins and other items in the patches are landing for the game, there is already some talk of the next update bringing the game to 10.13.

The League of Legends 10.13 patch will go live on Wednesday, June 24. All the maintenance times haven’t been confirmed, players familiar with the game know that patches typically begin at 3 AM PT for North American servers and at 05:00 in the UK.

EUNE servers typically get their updates around O3:00 CET reports PCGamesn. Updates usually require downtime of around three hours. Among some of the changes tipped by Riot’s Mark Yetter include mid lane spawns a cannon every 3-4 waves for the first 15 minutes. Mid minions move slightly slower to the left lane, which reduces the clear and roam potential. Yetter said in a Tweet, “Still evaluating these. The goal is to bring mid economy back to s9 level not below.”