Kingston 4GB DataTraveler Mini Fun USB Flash Drive


Testing and conclusion

Kingston DT Mini Fun plugged into laptop

To test the DataTraveler Mini Fun, I used my Dell Inspiron 9400 laptop with a Core Duo T2350 @1.86gHz to run the Removable Storage test found in SiSoft Sandra Lite 2008 to get read and write performance numbers. I will be comparing it to my 2GB Lexar JumpDrive FireFly.

The Results

Kingston DT Mini Fun Read Test Chart

In the Read Tests, the Kingston DT Mini Fun beat the tar out of my old 2GB Lexar flash drive. In the 64MB read test the DT Mini Fun came in at 131x compared to the Lexar that came in at 72x.

Kingston DT Mini Fun Write Test Chart

And again in the Write Test, the Mini Fun beat the FireFly at over twice the write speed. The Mini Fun came in at 36x write versus the 14x of the Fire Fly.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Kingston DT Mini Fun Line Up

When most consumers look into getting a thumb drive they look at the price compared to how much stuff they can cram on it. Kingston has offered up a line of mini drives in 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB ranging from an MSRP of $15 for the 1GB (yellow) drive, to an MSRP of $61 for the 4GB (red) drive. They really do have a Flash drive available across the board at the price and size you are looking for. The Kingston DataTraveler Mini Fun series of Flash drives cost a little more than standard ‘plain’ Flash drives, but the Mini Fun is insanely small and has games included. For that, I think most will pay the little extra. Also, keep in mind that this has Flash looks great and is perfect for kids and young adults that need a flash drive to take to school. If, by chance, something fails on the Flash drive they come backed with a five year warranty. Not bad for a device that is more than likely going to be hanging on your key chain for years to come.

Bottom Line: If youre looking to get a new drive for yourself or as a stocking stuffer for someone special in the family, you cant go wrong with the Kingston DataTraveler Mini Fun. With a little searching, the 4GB model we looked at today can be had for around $45, and it’s worth every penny.

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