GeForce GTX 275 Versus Radeon HD 4890 Video Card Battle


Velvet Assassin

Velvet Assassin is a stealth action video game for Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows, released in North America on April 28, 2009. The game is inspired by a real life World War II secret agent/saboteur Violette Szabo. Players take on the role of Violette Summer as she goes behind enemy lines to thwart the German war machine. The game shares many similarities with Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell, No One Lives Forever, and the Hitman series.

Velvet Assassin Chart PC Game

The game Velvet Assassin was done using an in-house graphics engine called the Replay Engine, so benchmarking this game should be interesting.

Velvet Assassin Chart PC Game Settings

With the game settings maxed out as shown in the image above we set off to benchmark the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 versus the ATI Radeon HD 4890, but encountered a slight problem since vSync is enabled by default. By forcing vSync off in the control panel of the respective drivers we were able to get some nice benchmark numbers using Fraps 2.9.8.

Velvet Assassin Chart

Benchmark Results: Benchmarking the graphics cards in the final scene from The Lost – Valley gave us some pretty solid performance numbers as this part of the game really put a heavy load on the video cards. The GeForce GTX 275 beat out the Radeon HD 4890, by just a 2.4 FPS.

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