Forget the leg warmers, get one of these:


WidowPC, a maker of custom built gaming computers has today announced plans for an SLi laptop with the latest 7800 series GPUs. People who ogled at the proof-of-concept MXM SLi card MSI showed at CES a few weeks ago now have something tangible to save up for.

Somehow the word has gotten out that WidowPC is developing SLI laptops with 19″ fast response displays. The rumors are true. It’s hard to keep the lid on something this big. Now, we’re finally allowed to release some information. This is pretty general data, but it’s all we’re allowed to release at this time. The SLI laptops are still in development and we don’t want to release specific info about the laptops components and then have to change it due to development issues. As we are allowed to release more information, we’ll update this page. Enjoy!

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