Ford Takes Plastic From The Ocean And Uses it In The Bronco Sport


One of the biggest problems with commercial fishing is that torn or damaged nets are often discarded in the oceans around the world. Not only do these nets cause pollution, but they can also trap and kill marine life. Ford has announced that it is the first automaker to use 100 percent recycled ocean plastic to produce car parts.

The car parts are wiring harness clips used in the 2021 Bronco Sport. Ford plans to use recycled ocean plastic to produce other components in the future, including transmission brackets, wire shields, and floor side rails. The wire harness clips that Ford is making are 10 percent cheaper than petroleum-based plastic and require less energy to produce.

The ocean plastic is collected by workers in the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea by a company called DSM Engineering Materials. Traditionally, recycled ocean plastic has been used in a wide variety of consumer products, but this marks the first time recycled ocean plastic has been used in automotive components.

The clips are used in the second-row seats of the Bronco Sport. They attach the sides of the seats and guide wires for the site-curtain airbags.