Blizzard World Overwatch Map to Launch January 23


Overwatch fans now have an official launch date for the next map coming to the game. The map is called Blizzard World and will launch on January 23. The map is a fictional theme park that will have players shooting it out in a park with rides themed on other Blizzard properties reports Gamespot.

The map has theme park style attractions that are based on StarCraft and Warcraft for instance. The map has been available and playable on PTR for a while now. The move to the official games means that console gamers can now try the map.

2018 will be a big year for Overwatch with director Jeff Kaplan noting that more characters, maps, and events are on the way this year. The next big event will be based on Lunar New Year an is expected to launch around Chinese New Year on February 26.

New maps and events for fans is a good thing. It’s also worth noting that Overwatch League has started, and gamers interested in that sort of play can watch teams fight it out.