Bigfoot Networks Introduces $149.99 Gaming Nic Called K1


Bigfoot Networks, Inc., a research and development company, today introduced the Killer K1, a new, more affordable version of its flagship gaming product, the KillerTM NIC. The Killer K1 is available for a limited time from selected e-tailers for a price as low as $149.99 after rebates. Powered by Lag and Latency Reduction (LLR) Technology, Killer K1 uses Bigfoot Networks 333 MHz Network Processing Unit (NPU) and 64 Megabytes of dedicated DDR RAM to offer gamers a faster online gaming experience.

We often hear gamers saying that they believe in the power of LLR Technology but that the Killer NIC is too expensive for their budget. said Harlan Beverly, co-founder and CEO of Bigfoot Networks. The new Killer K1 is exactly what they are asking for: LLR Technology at a price they can afford. Killer K1 offers the same great gaming performance of the Killer NIC and works with all games including popular titles like World of Warcraft and Battlefield 2. Unlike the original Killer NIC, the Killer K1 does not require a heat sink and does not come standard with Flexible Network Architecture (FNA) enabled.

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