Aussie Pokemon Go Gamer Becomes First To Hit Level 50 Globally


A couple of months ago, Pokmon Go increased its level as part of the Go Beyond update. With the increased level, players could grow from a previous max of level 40 to level 50. Since the update landed, players have been working hard to reach the new rank.

This week, two different players were successful in reaching the new maximum. The first was an Australian player called FleeceKing. The second was another Aussie named Lauren Bertoni, reaching the new level 50 only 16 minutes after FleeceKing.

What’s is impressive as FleeceKing reaching level 50 is the statistics in the image he shared showing the new level. He’d walked 20,614.7 kilometers in total. Nearly 797,300 Pokmon were captured, and over 475,000 Pokestops were visited.

Total XP required to reach level 50 added up to 699,847,622. The player started playing the game in September 2017. It certainly took a lot of kilometers walked to get that level.