AMD Phenom 9600 Black Edition – Luck of the Draw


A Few Benchmarks

Phenom Black Edition Overclocking

As you can see, our 230Mhz speed bump gave us a nice little boost. POV, WinRAR and ScienceMark all saw around a 9% increase in their scores. Probably a more realistic indicator though is the FEAR results, which gave us a full 1 fps increase! Cinebench and 3dMark 06 saw more modest increses of between 3-7%. Overall though, it is always nice to get some free extra performance! You can see how the Phenom stacks up against some other CPUs and some other interesting Phenom tidbits in our Phenom Spider review , our Phenom Processor Review, and our Phenom TLB Patch Benchmarked and Explained article.

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