A Closer Look At AMD 790GX Gaming


Testing Results And Conclusion

790gx game testing

So, what do we learn from this?

First off, we learn that the 3300IGP is a darn good integrated graphics chip. It performs better in every test than the HD3450 does. I was actually very shocked to see this.

Second, Call Of Duty 4 and STALKER are hard on video processors! I would not really call any of the results we see here as playable. There may be a few more settings to disable that would help, but these are demanding games!

Third, Hybrid Crossfire gives us a great boost in frame rates in all of the games but Stalker, where we see a little over 2fps difference. This likely can be addressed with drivers, so it may work itself out.

Lastly, this is a fairly inexpensive way to have a decent gaming rig for the average Joe that is able to utilize Crossfire. You can start out at the base level of just the IGP, and add to it as you go when more power is definitely needed.

Legit Bottom Line: The AMD 790GX chipset brings the average guy a decent gaming platform for less demanding titles. As Joe gets a little less average in his gaming, he will want to upgrade to either a Hybrid Crossfire setup, or even a more powerful card, but this is enough to get him started.

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