2H2 for your Laptop


California based UltraCell have demonstrated a compact fuel cell prototype that can power a laptop for 14 hours. While the 14 hours of battery life seem very temping, the $4 fuel cell cartridges are a big put off considering how cheap electricity is. The cartridges are recycleable however, so hopefully there will be a recycling credit program to offset the cost of buying cartridges. UltraCell is expecting to have working products out by 2007.

UltraCell’s systems are fueled by methanol, and included technology called a reformer converts it into hydrogen the fuel cell itself can use, Hill said. But customers shouldn’t expect to just be able to buy a few liters of methanol and fill up their fuel cells whenever they run low.

Instead, UltraCell will sell fuel cartridges for less than $4, Hill said. The cartridges can be recycled.

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