AMD announces name of Vega GPU: Radeon RX Vega


Meet AMD’s Newest Graphics Card: The Radeon RX Vega

Radeon RX Vega Stock Image

Today, AMD announced that they will not be releasing the Vega under an RX5xx name, but rather that the gaming GPU will be released as the Radeon RX Vega. This is similar to other high end cards from AMD in the past, which didn’t have number denotations, but rather had straightforward model names, such as the Radeon R9 Fury X. AMD didn’t really show much in terms of Vega than has already been discussed and overall, their GDC event was a bit underwhelming. No information on the Radeon RX Vega release date or pricing was made available and the general feeling is that Vega is some time away.

Being confirmed as the flagship in the upcoming AMD GPU lineup, we wonder if the RX Vega is going to be similar to the Fury X and have a custom PCB and water cooler, rather than being available from various manufacturers with custom cooler and PCB designs? Unfortunately, AMD didn’t have any actual Vega hardware to show, so we can only speculate on the future of the card, when it will be released and at what cost. None of the demos were particularly jaw-dropping and unfortunately, what AMD has show so far out of Vega just didn’t wow us like Ryzen has been able to.