Videogames Linked to Aggression


After 20 years of research the American Psychological Association (APA) finds that playing video games can bring up aggressive traits. This now means that after playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas it is normal for you to think about killing people or going on a driving spree. I don’t think this study really changes anything though. If a person watches a violent movie he or she might express agressive thoughts or actions, but if an adult movie is watched other traits might be shown. Basically, people need to remember things they see on a TV or computer screens are not real and should not be brought into the real world and everything will be fine.

An analysis of 20 years of research shows the effects can be both immediate and long-lasting. Most studies done on violence and video games support the conclusion that violent video games can increase aggressive behavior in children and adolescents, especially boys, researchers said Friday. One study showed that children who played a violent game for less than 10 minutes and then took a mood assessment test rated themselves with aggressive traits and aggressive actions shortly after playing.

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