Tomb Raider: Legend Delayed in US Due to Breast Size


Rumor has it that Tomb Raider: Legend has been delayed in the United States due to some breast issues. It seems that some of the models used in the game clearly nipples on a bare breast. It seems that we are now having wardrobe malfunctions in the gaming industry. Just what the gaming industry needs… more ammo for Hillary Clinton to use against the game industry.

We all know that next to Saudi Arabia, America has a terrible fear of breasts, despite the fact that half of the population have got them and the other half would like a pair to play with. But to avoid a repeat of the Nipplegate crisis that gripped America, the game?s release has been delayed. Apparently the game contains a chapter set in Tokyo, where several women are dancing in the distance. The animators had initially modeled all the women naked, so they could simply drape different dresses around them later. For the sake of completeness they gave them nipples

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