Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition Includes DLC and Unlocked Titans


Yesterday Titanfall 2 launched on Origin Access, which is EA’s subscription gaming service costing $5 monthly or $30 per year, and for the money you get unlimited access to Origin games. However, only the base game is offered on Origin Access. You can buy games on Origin and the new version of Titanfall 2 available there is dubbed the Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition reports PCGamer.

If you only want this game, it sells for $39.99 and brings with it the original game and a bunch of extras including all the Digital Deluxe content. What that means is you get all the DLC maps, modes, and weapons right in the box. Other cool content includes the Scorch and Ion Prime Titan Skins, Deluxe Edition Warpaint skin and Nose Art for six Titans. The Deluxe Edition Camo for all Titans is included along with pilots and weapons.

Buyers of the Ultimate Edition will also get a Deluxe Edition callsign and the Underground R-201 Elite Warpaint. A special Jump Starter Pack is wrapped into the game that unlocks all Titans and Pilots from the get go. Buyers also get ten Double XP tokens and 500 credits for buying in-game.

If you are a bit reluctant to drop $40 on a game that started very slowly, you should know that player numbers for Titanfall 2 are growing, something EA’s happy to see since the game has been out for a year now. Whether or not all this extra stuff is enough to lure gamers to drop $40 on a game that is a year old remains to be seen.