Red Dead Redemption 2 Companion App tips PC Version


Before PC gamers who are frothing to play Red Dead Redemption 2 run out and buy a console to play the game, new evidence has surfaced that it’s coming to PC at some point. Someone was wading through the code in the Red Dead Redemption 2 companion app and noted a couple lines that call out a PC version of the game.

The lines of code read:

  • PARAM_companionAutoConnectIpPC
  • PARAM_Oculus
  • CommandIsPcVersion(void) 000000000166A12C

The data in the app also points to graphics options that are limited to the PC with references to temporal anti-aliasing, resolution of water reflections, shadow quality, and particle quality. There is some speculation that these lines of code might be referring to a desktop version of the app says PC Gamer.

Mentioning the graphics options and “PC version” in the code make that seem unlikely. Rockstar will have a bunch of unhappy PC gamers if it skips the PC with this game.