PNY & XFX GeForce GTX 285 Video Card Reviews


Power Consumption and Temps

XFX GTX285 and PNY GTX 285 Core Temperatures

XFX GTX285 and PNY GTX285 Power Consumption

The core behind the GTX280 was a power-hungry 65nm core. The switch to 55nm helped power consumption numbers, but card manufacturers
utilized these lower power numbers to ramp up the clocks. The PNY
GTX 285 has a modest overclock compared to the XFX GTX 285, and this results
in a slightly lower power consumption. The XFX GTX 285 has an aggressive overclock which results in power consumption numbers near the GTX 280. Due to the overall lower power consumption
numbers, both GTX 285s have lower load temperatures than the GTX 280.

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