NZXT Launches Pink Edition Phantom Tower!


Do you remember back on April Fool’s day that Legit Reviews posted about NZXT coming out with a bright pink Phantom case? We contacted NZXT and told them that it would be a great idea for the ladies, but they informed us that it was entirely a joke and they had no intention of really making the Phantom in pink. Johnny Hou over at NZXT must have had a huge change of heart in the past six months as they just announced pink NZXT Phantom cases for female gamers over in Europe. The pink NZXT Phantom is available exclusively at for 139.90 Euro. The press release also stated that more special edition versions are in the works, so who knows what colors they will come out with next.

NZXT Pink Phantom

For the ladies! NZXT proudly presents the Phantom Big-Tower in pink, which is intended for the female gamer base. All new Phantoms, including this variant also come equipped with USB 3.0 connectivity. Additional features of these enclosures are a five channel fan controller with 20W load capacity on each circuit, spacious interior, lighting which may be turned off, elaborate cable management, numerous anti-vibration measures and a water cooling ready design. The futuristic design of the NZXT Phantom makes it the perfect basis for an extravagant gaming PC as the case specialist has included unique shapes and lines which resembles that of modern high performance sports cars. A front door covers the drive bays, so that the chassis looks perfect, regardless of what type of drives you have installed. Besides the pink color option, NZXT also offers a white, black, red and red/white variant with more special editions in the works.

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