Nintendo Switch Production Ramp Up Promised for the Holidays


The Nintendo Switch game console continues to be hard to find for gamers around the world leading to frustration for those who want one. With the holiday season fast approaching many gamers out there really want a Switch from Santa and Nintendo wants to make that happen. The gaming giant has promised to “ramp up” production for the game console for the coming shopping season.

“We’re doing everything we can to make sure everyone who wants to buy a Nintendo Switch system can do so,” Nintendo said in a statement to The Wall Street Journal. “We will ramp up production for the holiday period, which has been factored into our forecast.”

Nintendo wants to ship 10 million Switch consoles to retailers by the end of the fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2018. Sources claim that Nintendo needs to be preparing to produce 18 million consoles. At least one executive in the supply chain says his firm is ready to increase production when asked reports GameSpot. It’s not clear exactly which supply chain company that is.

Through June 20, Nintendo has sold 4.7 million Switch consoles globally. The raging popularity of the Switch has pushed Nintendo’s stock price up 50% since the Switch launched in March. Demand is expected to grow moving into the holiday season with games like Super Mario Odyssey pushing demand even higher.