Intel Goes the Way of the Watt as MHz a thing of the past


Intel is taking the first steps in promoting the Pentium M processor for use in Desktop platforms. Next week at IDF (Intel Developer Forum) it is rumored that Intel will announce that it is going to measure CPU performance by performance per watt. The Pentium M processor looks like it is going to have a long and happy life now sitting on top of the performance charts over at Intel.

Intel’s announcement will publicly signal an internal shift that’s already taken place. After years of promoting clock speed, it’s now emphasizing overall performance and power-efficiency. Intel’s shift to processor numbers and its wholesale move to multicore processors?a multicore chip includes pack two or more processor cores in one package?sealed the deal for the architectural change, as power can be a limiting factor in fitting two or more processor cores together into a single chip. Chips with multiple processor cores boost PC performance versus single-core chips by splitting up jobs.

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