Intel gives man $10,000 for old magazine


This is funny, because I was just looking at my old BYTE magazines from 1989 this week. It was fun to look back and see what they thought the future was going to hold. If anyone wants to offer me $1,000 I’d be more than happy to hand some over. Thats a bargain compared to the $10,000 paid out by Intel on the 1965 copy of Electronics Magazine, which contained Moore’s law!!

The chip giant, which had been searching high and low for a 1965 copy of Electronics Magazine that featured Intel co-founder Gordon Moore’s thoughts on how silicon technology would evolve, has hit payola. David Clark, an engineer in Surrey, England, had a copy of the coveted issue and has sold it to Intel, reaping the chip giant’s $10,000 bounty. Intel posted a notice about its reward offer on eBay on April 11, on the eve of the 40th anniversary of Moore’s Law.

The issue contained an article by Moore that described how the number of components on integrated circuits was doubling every year. The article became the foundation for Moore’s famed dictum, which has been a favorite maxim of the IT industry for decades. Electronics Magazine went out of business several years ago, though, and copies are scarce.

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