Guys Cuddling With Video Cards Movement Takes Off #GuysCuddlingWithVideoCards


Did you know that Guys Cuddling With Video Cards has started to become a thing on social media? Over the past 24 hours the #GuysCuddlingWithVideoCards movement has begun to take off.

The images below include a Sapphire marketing manager, tech writers and AMD Red Team Plus members. We’ll just leave this one at that as there is nothing else we can really add to this! Just remember there are some things you can’t unsee and these guys might have just created some weird new trend without knowing it!

Also, the #GirlsCuddlingWithVideoCards movement also appears to have started, but we noticed something… All the guys have AMD cards and the lone woman has a GeForce?

Update 6/26/2015: AMD’s Corporate Vice President Alliances at AMD, Roy Taylor, is now in on the action!
