Google Puts Brakes On Maxed-Out Web Accelerator


According to this article, Google’s Web Accelerator application is already out of date and off the mark when it comes to it’s target audience, broadband users. Hopefully, Google realizes that long suffering dial-up users would certainly welcome such a tool.

But Google’s Web Accelerator is a waste of time, not a time saver, for the group it’s being targeted at, a research firm said Wednesday.

“Google’s Web Accelerator will help speed searches via dial-up, but it is unnecessary for broadband users,” wrote Gartner analyst Allen Weiner in an online research brief.

“Web accelerators were hot topics years ago, when many users were surfing the Web via dial-up connections. Today, with the popularity of broadband, an increasing number of users will not find a Web accelerator compelling,” Weiner continued.

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