FEMA site requires IE 6.0 to file for aid


Imagine living through Hurricane Katrina and finding out that you can file for aid online only to find out that you must use IE 6 on the US governments FEMA site. We heard rumors that Macintosh, Linux, and Mozilla users could not fill out the forums on the FEMA site and when we looked for ourselves we found it to be true. Below is an image of page we were directed to when we tried to register when we didn’t use Internet Explorer 6.

At this time, LR suggests that non-Windows users register for assistance by calling call FEMA directly at 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362) or for the hearing/speech impaired at TTY: 1-800-462-7585. Click on the link below to go to the FREE Forums and post your thoughts on the issue.

It turns out that to make a claim with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Individual Assistance Center, your Web browser must be Microsoft?s Internet Explorer 6 or higher and you must have JavaScript enabled. It even says so right on the page itself. One problem: IE6 isn’t available for Macintosh or Linux computers.

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