Ubisoft Says DRM isnt Tanking Assassin’s Creed: Origins Performance


Lots of Assassin’s Creed: Origin gamers have been complaining that the game puts a massive load on the CPU inside their gaming rigs. Now some information has come to light that claims the reason for this heavy CPU load is the anti-piracy protection hat Ubisoft is using in the game. One hacker who claims to have seen the binary code of the game says that this DRM is affecting performance with an estimated 30-40% drop.

Ubisoft obviously says that isnt true. It says that the anti-tamper solution it uses in the game “has no perceptible effect on game performance.” Some payers feel differently, and word is that the game gives computers that just meet the minimum specifications a serious workout.

Those minimum specs demand a Core i5, 6GB of RAM, and a GTX660 to provide a promised steady 30ps of performance. The game also has some known issues with AMD video cards according to PCGamer.

One user of the Ubisoft forums claims that a rep told him that the performance issues would be addressed in a future update to the game. There has bene no official confirmation of performance issues from Ubisoft at this point. It rather seems as if Ubisoft plans to do nothing about the issue.

SOURCE: Polygon