Sony PlayStation 3 shines in prelaunch test


CNET has an editorial posted online about one of their reporters expierences at a recent Sony PS2 prelaunch test session that they were able to attend. He thinks that while the Xbox 360 has a year’s head-start that Sony will find a way to stay on top when the PS3 launches. I guess we will find out next month when the PS3 launches.

The graphics are beautiful–as should be expected. But as I’ve written before, the problem with such realistic graphics is that anything unrealistic stands out. And in every next-generation sports game I’ve seen where the realism is so good that you can see muscles rippling, the players’ ghostly, vacant eyes leave me feeling so creepy I just want to slink away. I wish there was something that could be done about this. But this is the concept of the “uncanny valley,” which, to paraphrase, states that the more realistic something seems to people, anything that stands out as not being so makes us uneasy.

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