Office 12 makeover takes on ‘feature creep’


Office 12 will be Microsoft’s new update for their Office software. Office is now already a household name and most users are familiar with the layout and settings avalaible. Microsoft are trying to make the user experience easier, instead of looking through “1,500 commands located in scores of menus, toolbars and dialog boxes.” they are to include a new easiler to use interface, along with more features.

For years, Microsoft has been trying to add features to Office without them getting in the way of people who already know their way around the software. Indeed, Office has become a case study for feature creep–the phenomenon in which a simple technology becomes complicated and unmanageable through the addition of new features. Office, which once had 100 commands neatly organized into menus, ballooned to contain some 1,500 commands located in scores of menus, toolbars and dialog boxes.

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