OCZ Technology Enyo 128GB Portable USB 3.0 SSD Review


HDTune v4.60

HD Tune Pro 4.60 is an extended version of HD Tune which includes many new features such as write benchmark, secure erasing, AAM setting, folder usage view, disk monitor, command line parameters and file benchmark.

HD Tune File Benchmark

HD Tune File Benchmark

Benchmark Results: The OCZ Enyo’s average read speed was found to be ~185MB/s with an average write speed of ~167MB/s. The read and write tests had an access time of 0.1ms and an average burst rate of ~185MB/s.

The random access read and write test is a very important performance area to look at on solid state drives as some controllers have problems with random writes. In recent years the controllers have improved and the firmware has been better optimized for random read and write performance. Since this is the first time we have looked at the OCZ Enyo we figured it would be fun to see how it performs in random access read and write tests.

Random Access Read Test Results:

HD Tune Random Access Benchmark

Benchmark Results: When it comes to the random access read performance test the OCZ Enyo 128GB SSD with the Indilinx controller in it does pretty well. For example, this drive scored 5305 IOPS in the 4KB test file size. The OCZ Vertex 2 100GB drive scored 8607 IOPS in the 4KB test file size and we all know that is one of the fastest drives on the market today and is meant as a system drive while this is an external storage drive. The OCZ Enyo is no joke and a beast of an external drive.

Random Access Write Test Results:

HD Tune Random Access Benchmark

Benchmark Results: The write performance test results of the OCZ Enyo 128GB drive were very impressive once again and in all honesty a year ago the OCZ Enyo would have been on par with the fastest internal SSDs available on the market!

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