Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3200 Laser Review


Final Thoughts

Logitech MX3200 Laser Combo

When we first got this combo, I really didnt know what to think. On the one hand, Logitech gets rid of some wires when comparing the MX 3200 with their older model cordless duos – no more power cable to run to a mouse docking station, great. But without the rechargeable mouse station, I was worried about how long the battery was going to last. Well, in the few weeks that Ive had this set up, I havent had a problem yet with battery life in the keyboard or in the mouse….and I shouldn’t: Logitech says that through their power management system built into their hardware, users can get up to 15 months of use with the keyboard and up to 6 months of use with the mouse. I have to say that I do like the bigger form-factor MX 700 mouse in my hand, but have found that the MX 600 laser mouse is more accurate in applications and gaming.

Of course if you are a left-handed mouse user, then you will be running away from this mouse in horror. We didnt have a chance to test out any left-handed mice like the Logitech 610 Left-Handed Laser Mouse. It would be nice if Logitech used the same wireless protocols for use with the MX 3200 combo.

The MX 3200 keyboard is one of the best we have ever had the pleasure of using. Not only is the tactile feedback unique yet soft feel, the ergonomics of the keyboard layout and palm rest make it a keyboard for long-term use. Users who like the full-sized function keys will no doubt be complaining that the function keys on the MX 3200 are harder to reach, but I very this issue a simple nit-pick.

The included software bundle Logitechs Set Point Control Center (ver. 3.0.101) is quite nice and really gives the user flexibility to customize the MX 3200 combo. Its just a little bit fat for me weighing in at 40+ meg on the hard drive and 16 meg in your systems resources! Even if you dont want to install this software, the keyboard and mouse work just fine out of the box you will just be missing out on the non-standard keyboard functions and the power of fully customizing the hardware.

I must admit, the Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3200 Laser Combo made me pack up my old Logitech Cordless Duo. I am able to finally get rid of my PS/2 connectors and am even able to regain a power plug since I dont have to worry about recharging anymore. Even though Im still getting used to the slightly smaller mouse, the sleek look to the keyboard, the status LCD, and precision on the MX 600 Laser mouse is enough to make me a convert.


Legit Bottom Line:

Being able to fully customize your mouse and keyboard is great, when you are able to do it with a solid wireless combo that has great gaming and multimedia performance for under $100, its much, much better. Designed with Microsoft Windows Vista in mind, the Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3200 Laser combination should be at the top of your list when considering a wireless bundle.

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