Judge Orders Man To Stop Emailing Kids in All Caps


Things can get nasty during a custody battle, but have you heard about the custody battle in Europe where it has gone so badly that the Judge is now advising how to use capitalization when messaging one another over the internet? A British judge ordered an “insensitive” father to stop emailing his 13-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter in all capital letters because it looked like he was shouting at them. Using all caps is often referred to as “shouting,” but we have never heard of all caps making headlines in a court case before. The judge overseeing the custody battle also said that the father needed a family assistance officer to help him draft messages from now on.

Nobody really likes to be shouted at online, but what we don’t know is how often the father in this case uses all caps. If he uses it all the time it doesnt necessarily mean hes angry, but then again you never know as some people are just angry. The next time you write a family member be sure to think about sensitivity!

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