Google Maps Update finds Where You Parked and Keeps an Eye on the Meter


I once went to an NHRA drag race in Ennis, Texas and thought I was parking at the back of the field used as a parking lot for the event. What I didn’t know is that hundreds more people would turn up late leaving my car lost somewhere in the massive lot. To find the car I had to walk up and down rows hitting the lock button on the keyfob until I heard the horn honk. It was a huge pain and if you have ever had a similar issue, Google Maps has a new update that will prevent that from happening.

Forbes reports the latest version of the Google Maps v9.49 beta has a tool that can do more than help find your car. The update can also keep an eye on your parking meter and tell you when time is getting low. That can keep you from getting tickets. To access the car location feature in the beta version of the app, you tap the blue dot on the map indicating your current location. That will open a menu to mark the location as a parking spot.

Users also get access to a detail page where you are able to record more information. The location page also allows you to change the location of where you parked so if you walked a while before remembering to mark your spot you can do so without having to walk back to the car. You can also add images of signs by your car if you don’t want to type in description notes.

Metered parking spots are supported with a time limit that counts down remaining time and then you get a pop up message when time is running out. If you don’t get back to your meter in time, the app counts down how long it has been since the meter ran out. Neither of these features are new with other apps doing the same thing, but it’s very nice to have them inside the Google Maps app.

[via Forbes]