Gigabyte GHOST M8000X Gaming Mouse Review


A Closer Look at the M8000X

Gigabyte GHOST M8000X Gaming Mouse

The important side of any mouse, the left features the DPI indicator LEDs, the actual GHOST storage module, two thumb buttons and the Gigabyte logo on this ergonomic and stylish mouse shell.

Gigabyte GHOST M8000X Gaming Mouse Right Side View

On the right side of the mouse you see the Sticky-resistance rubber-sided grip like on the left, as well as the quick-switch gaming profile button which changes sensitivity and logo color or whatever you set it to change, with up to 5 separate profiles.

Gigabyte GHOST M8000X Gaming Mouse Top View

Looking at the top of the mouse you can see the GHOST logo which doubles as the profile indicator, as well as the unique shape of the shell. Also take note of the “push-pull” DPI quick switcher which is very easy to use when needed, though I primarily stick to one setting for all-around use (including FPS games).

Gigabyte GHOST M8000X Gaming Mouse Front View

Looking head on at the mouse the scroll wheel is much different than others I have used in the past. This 4-way wheel is plastic on the sides with a soft rubber track in the middle ensuring grip is not an issue. Most mice just use one solid piece of rubber, such as my Razer Deathadder, NZXT Avatar and all other mice I have here at other computers, which have problems with grip as well as dependability.

Gigabyte GHOST M8000X Gaming Mouse Bottom Weight Compartment

At the bottom of the M8000X is the up-to 38g weight compartment which opens simply by twisting to the right by 1/4″.

Gigabyte GHOST M8000X Gaming Mouse DPI Indicator LEDs

On the DPI quick-switch indicator, all 4 LEDs lit means 6030dpi is enabled, 3 means 3240dpi, 2 is for 1620 and 1 is the base at just 810dpi. The circular piece below the indicator LEDs is actually the GHOST Engine on-board memory.

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