Geico Vs. Google AdWords Case Update


It has been pointed out to us from Google that our Monday news story on the Geico Vs. Google AdWords Case was incorrect. According to Google’s response the judges conclusion sided that Google’s policy on trademarks and keywords was indeed lawful. The link below goes to a blog with some more information.

I saw your post on the GEICO ruling and thought it might be helpful to clarify a few things. The recent ruling by the judge in this case was essentially a written version of the judge’s oral ruling of December 15, 2004. Her ruling was an extraordinary victory for Google. In the critical part of the decision, the judge ruled unequivocally in Google’s favor.

In her written ruling, she stated that the evidence “refutes the allegation that the use of the trademark as a keyword, without more, causes a likelihood of confusion.” That confirms that Google’s policy on trademarks and keywords is lawful.

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