Blizzard Entertainment: Gay rights win in World of Warcraft


Blizzard Entertainment has officially apologized to the guild recruiter, saying the warning about gay-friendly guilds should never have been issued. It looks like Sara Andrews won her battle and paved the way for others to follow behind her. In today?s day and age I am surprised that Blizzard took a stance against her guild at first. With five million people playing World of Warcraft one would expect a good number to have different sexual preferences and religious backgrounds!

The row blew up around Warcraft player Sara Andrews, who plays a high-level mage called Shimmre on the Shadow Moon server. In late January, Sara Andrews used Warcraft’s text chat channels to say that the guild she helps run, called Oz, was set up to be gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender “friendly”. But an in-game admininstrator issued a warning saying that such talk was a breach of Warcraft’s terms of service. She was threatened with being banned from the game if she continued to advertise the Oz guild using such language.

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