AMD’s Ian McNaughton blasts NVIDIA over PC Game Issues


AMD’s very own self-proclaimed bad boy Ian McNaughton took a direct swing at NVIDIA and The Way it’s Meant to be Played program today in a blog post that is worth taking a look at. Ian calls out some issues with several TWIMTBP titles, which is something you don’t see being done everyday. If you already own or are thinking about getting Batman: Arkham Asylum, Need for Speed: Shift or Resident Evil 5 then you might want to see what Ian is upset about.

Ian McNaughton

AMD prides itself on supporting open standards and our goal is to advance PC gaming regardless whether people purchase our products. Unfortunately, not everyone shares our philosophy. Nvidia has recently sampled some newly released The Way it is Meant to be Played titles, including Batman: Arkham Asylum, to press in hopes that they would use these titles to benchmark against the HD Radeon 5870 and 5850. There are some known issues with these proprietary TWIMTBP titles.

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